Tour rides

We arrange tour rides in Stockholm several times per year. Different tour rides requires differnet amounts of experience, so some tours might even suit beginners.

There are currently no tour rides you can sign up for, but keep an eye here if you are interested. 


Helmets can be borrowed at the stable but you have to bring your own shoes. If you don't have riding shoes you can use a pair of boots or other shoes with a small heel. 

Sign up

There are currently no tour rides you can sign up for.



Ridlektion 29/3

Anmälan till nästa ridlektion 29/3 är öppen. Läs mer och anmäl dig här!


TTH har bytt namn till SSEC (Stockholm Student Equestrian Club). En ny hemsida är på gång.


Riding lesson 29/3

The sign in for the riding lesson 29/3 is now open. Read more and sign up here!

TTH becomes SSEC

TTH has changed name to SSEC (Stockholm Student Equestrian Club). A new website is coming.

Contact information



Instagram: @tthast


TTH - Teknologer Till Häst / Equestrian Student Association
The Royal Institute of Technology
Drottning Kristinas väg 15
100 44 Stockholm

Facebook: TTH - Teknologer till häst 
Instagram: @tthast

instagram @tthast

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